On Wednesday, Feb. 22, Bold Action Teams (BATs) will mobilize for direct action across Iowa, targeting officials and businesses that have aided and abetted construction of the Dakota Access pipeline.

WHY: The Dakota Access pipeline isn’t finished. Politicians, public officials and businesses who’ve supported it need to hear that the pipeline is wrong for Iowa and wrong for our planet.

* Take Wednesday the 22nd off from work (yes, we know not everyone can).
* Sign up on the form below to join a BAT — we’ll help connect you with folks in your area.
* Meet with your BAT of 5-10 people over coffee or lunch on the 22nd to study the message, discuss the code of nonviolence and plan details for the day’s action(s).
* Invite local press to meet-up with your BAT and travel with you to the action.
* Each team will be led by an experienced leader, someone well-versed in non-violence and capable of effectively directing the action.

ACTION: BATs will occupy the targeted space and read statements, press releases, articles or other material explaining why this pipeline is wrong. One or two members of each BAT will take photos and video. BATs either stay until those have chosen to risk arrest are arrested, or until security threatens to arrest them. If BATs choose not to risk arrest, they then either disperse, or travel to another site for a second action.

FOLLOW-UP: We’ll have an email (mark@boldalliance.org) where teams can send photos, video and a brief summary of the action.