Ed Fallon, Bold Iowa: 515-238-6404, ed@boldiowa.org
Bold Iowa Establishes “No Dakota Access” Encampment With Landowner Whose Property Seized via Eminent Domain for Pipeline
Encampment on holdout landowner’s property first of its kind in Dakota Access pipeline fight
Des Moines — At the invitation of a Calhoun County farmer whose land is being torn up to build the Dakota Access pipeline, Bold Iowa announced it is setting up an encampment on her property to rally pipeline fighters to monitor and slow down construction, with some participants willing to risk arrest.
“My land was taken by eminent domain, which I totally object to,” said Shirley Gerjets, the farmer who is hosting the encampment. “Our options are zero. We’re down to protesting, and that’s all we can do. After Dakota Access was given the power of eminent domain and they took my property, I have no rights. They could kick me off my own land, even have me arrested for walking on my own land.”
“I find it appalling that my elected officials are so willing to sell out Iowans’ property rights to a private corporation for an export pipeline,” said Heather Pearson, a resident of Logan, Iowa who is participating in the encampment and who has been arrested twice during nonviolent actions to stop construction of the pipeline. “The people of America’s heartland should not have to take on the risk to our water and soil just so a large corporation can fatten its bottom line. I stand in solidarity with all Iowa landowners and everyone who is fighting to stop this pipeline. It is all risk, and no reward.”
- WHAT: Bold Iowa NoDAPL Pipeline Encampment
- WHO: Landowners, Farmers, Environmentalists, Native allies
- WHEN: Beginning Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., and going on indefinitely
- WHERE: Farm of Shirley Gerjets in Calhoun County, IA (Members of the media–contact mark@boldiowa.org for directions)
(Please RSVP on this form if you’re interested in visiting the camp)
To date, more than 2,500 people have signed the Bakken Pipeline Pledge of Resistance, which is supported by Bold Iowa, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, CREDO Action, and 100 Grannies for a Livable Future.
(View the Bakken Pipeline Pledge of Resistance: http://bit.ly/bakkenpledge)
On Aug. 31, 30 people were arrested during a Bakken Pledge of Resistance direct action to stop pipeline construction in Boone County.
On Sept. 10, 19 people were arrested at a Bakken Pledge direct action in Boone County.
On Sept. 22, more than 175 people participated in a “Midwest Mobilization” action that stopped construction on the pipeline in Boone County.
On Oct. 15, landowner Cyndy Coppola and Bold Iowa director Ed Fallon were arrested on Cyndy’s own property, which lies inside the pipeline route.
Bold Iowa Action Teams (BATs) have also participated in smaller, decentralized direct actions to stop construction on the pipeline at various locations over the past few weeks — including on Sept. 21 in Webster County, and at other sites in Boone County and near Farrar, in Polk County.
Between Bakken Pipeline Pledge of Resistance actions, and the nonviolent actions that have been organized by allies at the “Mississippi Stand” encampment in southeast Iowa, to date close to 170 arrests of Pipeline Fighters have been made in Iowa while standing up to stop Dakota Access.
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WATCH: Iowa farmer Shirley Gerjets talks about Dakota Access taking her land via eminent domain.